Speechwriting Step by Step (Essential Skills)
Make this course your first stop in developing the skills of a speechwriter.
Attend to learn the process and the insights you need to write compelling speeches that move people to decision or action. During our time together online, you’ll learn how to plan a speech, structure it and write the way people talk. Plus, you’ll explore techniques you can use to connect with listeners, hold their attention and persuade them to get behind the speaker’s ideas.
Follow the link below for more information about the course and how to register.
Value Beyond Words (Advanced Skills)
Skilled speechwriters are far more than wordsmiths. They understand strategy, storytelling and persuasion. They also know how to make people laugh, open their minds to new ideas and embrace hope even when the future appears grim.
In this course you’ll learn techniques speechwriters have borrowed from other disciplines to create persuasive arguments, add humor and tell stories. Plus, you’ll mix the old with the new by exploring still valuable rhetorical tools and ways to use AI to research your material and write drafts.